Monday, March 7, 2011

Wean the bean...part 1

So after a year of nursing, I think I'm ready to start weaning the bean. I gave Felicity her first cup of real milk on her birthday and well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...


"Here's the cup back, Mom. I'm done with this stuff."

Needless to stay, I don't think this is going to be as easy as I thought it was going to be. I naively assumed she would just start drinking cow's milk from the cup and that would be it. Wrong! I'm still giving it to her at every meal, but she hasn't taken more than one sip. Once she realizes what it is, she shudders and lets it all run out of her mouth. Any other moms with this experience or advice?

Wish me luck! :-)


  1. I had a friend that gave her son fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies, and had no problem then washing them down with milk. Ethan loved milk, so I don't have anything to really help...

    On another note, I weaned Ethan very gradually, and it was easy and great for both of us. We were completely done at 2 years, and down to just morning and night by 18 months...

  2. My pediatrician said to warm it first. Did you try that? So glad I found your blog finally! Love hearing about what's going on with you guys.
