Tuesday, March 8, 2011

12 months

Here are the official one year stats and pics in her nursery!

  • We went to the doctor today - 3 shots and a big blood draw from her arm, but she hardly cried. So brave! Her official one year measurements:
    • Weight: 21 lbs 2 oz. (55th percentile)
    • Length: 30 1/4" (85th percentile)
    • Head: 17 3/4" (50th percentile)
  • She is a walking fool! She rarely crawls anywhere anymore - prefering to walk everywhere! She looks a bit like a drunk man walking around and takes her share of spills, but she doesn't seem to mind...just gets right back up and keeps on going.
  • "Dada" is still, by far her favorite word. I'm starting to think she does associate it with Justin sometimes, but it usually just means anything happy or fun. "Mama", on the other hand, seems to be associated with frustration and neediness... lovely. :-) Someone told me that's because I'm the comforter; however, I think I'd still prefer to be associated with happy times. Oh well...she has also been saying "na na" alot when she is tired/hungry - which we've gathered to mean "nurse"...perfect timing, since I'm trying to wean her now. The "na na" is going bye bye! She also says "ya ya" a lot, so it's fun to have conversations with her, when she reponds positively to everything you say.
  • As I mentioned in another post, I'm in the process of weaning her, but she's just not having it so far. She literally throws the milk cup off her high chair tray and starts screaming "na na" {translated: nurse}...so pleasant. :-) The doctor recommended maybe just stopping cold turkey, but I'm not sure she or I could handle that. Hmm...
  • Waving and dancing are still her favorite pasttimes....it's borderline out of control. I think she likes the reaction she gets from others...we might have a little performer on our hands. :-)
  • Naps...I don't really know what to say. She still sleeps 12 hours at night (7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.), but the days are a mess right now. She's sort of between the two naps and one right now, so it's very hit or miss. Honestly, it's been rough -- very hard to schedule things when I don't really know what she's going to do!
  • Size 12 mo. clothes (for now) and size 3 diapers
Here are the pics!

And as a sidenote, I've had a bit of time today to catch up on some older posts (still more to come though)...I've added:

February posts:
-First character obsession
-See ya, Mom & Dad!

March posts:
-Dancing Queen
-Wean the Bean...part 1

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