Saturday, September 18, 2010

Creepin'...and a pair of jeggings

Felicity is not crawling yet, but she is on the go with her creeping skills. (Just for my records, she officially started doing this last Sunday, Sept. 12.) She can and will easily get something that is 3-4 feet away from her by creeping. Things of particular interest to her are of course, not toys, but - the laptop, my makeup, any of our food, cell can really entice her to start moving when you put these things just out of her reach. She can get up on her knees, but can't yet hold up her body weight with her arms, so she sort of launches herself forward with her tummy still on the ground...if that makes any sense. Her creeping style is best explained in video, but since I can't figure out how to post videos on here, I'll just post some pics of Felicity modeling her new jeggings I bought her instead.

Miss Lici-mac has definitely got some junk in the trunk!
(Who are we kidding? She didn't stand a chance with Justin and I as her parents.)

1 comment:

  1. Cute cute! I wanted to let you know I changed my blog. I'm now at
