Thursday, August 5, 2010

But what are you going to call her?

When we first told people that we were naming our baby Felicity, many asked, "but what are you going to call her?" This question always frustrated me, because I wanted to shout, "uhh....FELICITY!" However, she has accquired quite a few nicknames in her short life so far. I still stand by my original feelings that I adore her full name, Felicity, even though it is long. That's what I introduce her as, what I usually say when I'm talking about her (which is often :-)) and what I hope other people call her...but as her parents, we just can't help it with the nicknames. Here's what we've got so far:
  • Fe
  • Lici (pronounced "Lissy")
  • Lici-bear
  • Lici-mac (short for her middle name, McClain)
  • Bean
  • Bumpkin (this one is Justin's alone)
  • Chick-a-dee
And based on this outfit alone - "My little dutchling"

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I think the name Felicity is precious. But those are some cute nicknames. I can't wait to hear what happens when Felicity goes on her first date and Justin call out " Bumpkin, your date is here!"
