Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Longview weekend-o-fun

For the past three years we've spent a weekend each summer at the lake with a group of friends, but this year it was a bit difficult to coordinate with the babies/pregnant women, so the couples trip became a guys trip. I sent Justin with one of our cameras, but he came back with no pictures...boys. :-)

Since Justin was gone, Felicity and I loaded up and went to Longview for the weekend. We spent time hanging out with my grandparents, made homemade Butterfingers ice cream, went swimming and shopping.

Aren't my grandparents the cutest?

They watched Felicity for a bit while my mom and I went shopping. I told my grandma that Felicity is rolling all over the place now, so when she put her down for her nap on her bed, she barricaded her in with pillows. It thought it was so funny.

Swimming with Poppy

Much like everything else, my mom saved a lot of our old toys. Every time we visit Longview, my parents have a blanket laid out with "vintage" toys for Fe to play with. At first I was worried about the old plastic that's not BPA-free and Lici putting it in her mouth. My mom quickly pointed out that we all chewed on them and were fine...she has a point.

We missed Justin, but had lots of fun hanging out in L-view!

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