Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween 2013

We had lots of fun this Halloween season with visits to pumpkin patches, costume parties and trick-or-treating. Felicity decided to go as Pocahontas. She has been watching the movie lots lately and has really gotten into it. She sings all the songs...my favorite is when she sings the song, "Savages! Savages!" except she thinks they are saying, "Sandwiches! Sandwiches!" Love hearing her belt that out. :-) And sweet little Caroline Mae went as a ketchup packet. When I saw the costume I thought it was so funny, and just perfect for a little one that can't sit up yet. So into the little sack she went and she looked adorable.

First we attended Pumpkinville in our neighborhood. They have a cute pumpkin patch, craft activities, a hay maze, hayrides around the neighborhood, etc., so we headed up there for some fun one afternoon.

Ready for the hay ride...

Felicity has gotten a bit tall for the hay maze, so she walked around on top of the hay bales like they were the balance beam.

Sweet sister shots...

 And the whole gang...

 This was the giant "pumpkin pie" filled with tiny pumpkins. It's kind of hard to see in the picture, but it was so cute. Felicity is sitting in the giant spoon. Felicity picked out a medium sized pumpkin for herself and a tiny one for Caroline.

When Felicity stayed with my folks while Justin and I were in Idaho (more on that trip coming soon), she made a Felicity pumpkin, complete with lipstick and curly, blonde hair. So, after we got the tiny pumpkin for Caroline, we decorated one for her too. Here are the sister pumpkins. Felicity gave Caroline glitter for hair.

 Next one of Felicity's friends, Brynlie, had a costume party and it was so much fun. Here are the girls in their costumes before we left the house. Oh, how I adore these two. :-)

Little Miss Ketchup...it's hard to see, but I loved that it had "tear here"at the top corner.

Here is Felicity and one of her very best friends, Molly Wood. These two are inseparable. Pocahontas and Annie (minus her wig) never looked so cute! 

Here's a group shot of some of the kids at the party - total chaos, but so much fun. 

Felicity was such a good big sister holding Caroline for the pictures.

Next we headed to a pumpkin patch in Rowlett, near Justin's parents' house, so Nana joined us along with Aunt Erin. We had lots of fun posing for pictures, riding the train, hay rides and eating lunch; however, Felicity was not a fan of the petting zoo because of the smell.

Family shot minus Caroline...

Trying to squeeze in Caroline...

Posing with Nana and Papa...

Time for the hay ride! 

Aunt Erin and the girls...

Next up Felicity celebrated Halloween at her preschool, but they have to go as either animals from Noah's ark or Bible heroes, so mommy had to come up with another costume fast and cheap....so here is our little pink and white bunny!

And after all of that celebrating, Halloween actually arrived! We carved our pumpkins on Halloween Eve...

We went over to the Smith's house for dinner with friends and then all went trick-or-treating together in our neighborhood. Here's Felicity and Saber...

 and Felicity and Jack...

And the girls on the porch after we finished...

 Me and my littlest loves on the front porch...


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