Monday, April 30, 2012

The pool is open!

Let summer begin! Felicity has been counting down the days till our neighborhood pool opens. We would literally walk up there almost everyday to let her peek through the gate and I would tell her how many more days we had to wait until it opened...but this past Saturday, the day arrived! We had a big pool party, cookout and concert at the pool and it was so much fun.

Felicity and her Cheetos-covered fingers eyeing the pool...I can't get enough of her little bikini body. Love chunky babies!

Justin was a very good daddy and got in the freezing cold water with her.

Her lips and fingernails were literally blue and teeth were chattering, but she refused to get out. She loved every minute of it. It's starting to warm up more now and I have no doubt we will be spending many hours at the pool this summer. Bring on the triple-digit heat!

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