Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

Ok, so I've I actually already done this post once and the entire thing deleted. I may or may not have screamed some very angry words at my computer. So here we go with round two:

This Easter started off with a special treat from my very own Easter bunny (aka Justin) when he came home from work Friday with this delectable little egg treat with my name on it (that was my favorite part) and a bouquet of sunflowers for me. It was so thoughtful and I thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful and yummy treats!

Then later that night Justin and I were hanging out on our front porch when our very own Easter bunny showed up in our front yard! I hated that Felicity had already gone to bed and wasn't there to see him, but we took lots of pictures for her.

On Saturday our neighborhood had a big Easter egg hunt for all the kiddos. Felicity got all decked out in her smocked dress and we headed to Founder's Square for the big hunt.

She was using my Easter basket that I had growing up, but it was a bit big for her and was restricting her egg-hunting skills....so Daddy ended up holding it while she loaded it up!

On the prowl...

Oh, the excitement!! Probably one of the most rewarding parts of being a parent is watching their joy in the simple things.

So proud of herself!

Enjoying some of her treats... I'm fairly certain she devoured every single piece of candy before we even left the park.

Here she is with some of her neighborhood buds. I'm so thankful for sweet families and friends that live nearby. I'm looking forward to watching them grow up and develop strong friendships over the years.
From L to R: Felicity, Zoe and Jack

After the egg hunt we headed back home. This wagon is Fe's new ride. Seems most days you can find me carting her around the neighborhood in this, while she lounges on an ikat print pillow in the back usually devouring goldfish and chugging juice. It sounds and looks a bit princess-esque, but we have a lot of fun with it.

Saturday night before bed, it was time to dye the eggs.
{Is it just me, or does she looks like some sort of mad scientist in this picture?!}

Sunday morning we went to a special 8 a.m. service at church. We usually don't go to church this early, but when you have kids that are waking up in the 5's, then hey, why not? Afterwards, Felicity was excited to see what the bunny brought her.

Later Sunday afternoon we hosted Justin's parents and sisters for Easter lunch. We had a great time and enjoyed being together and getting lots of laughs from Miss Felicity. I tried to get some cute full length shots of her in her Easter dress, but she was not into posing. At first this was the best I got.

But then she got into her groove and I was able to get some better shots of her. I'm pretty sure she's got that performance gene in her blood. This little lady can put on quite a show. :-)

After lunch we headed upstairs for a ping pong tournament. 
I think my incessant photo taking was interfering with the game. Justin doesn't look very happy with me here. :-)

We ended the day playing outside with the bubble gun Nana and Papa brought Felicity. Lots of fun...

Happy Easter! 

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