Monday, April 16, 2012

First baseball game

As you may know, baseball is a big thing in our house. Justin played baseball his entire life growing up and was a pitcher at Texas Tech in college. As a side note: It makes me sad that I've never seen Justin play baseball. Since we met after college, I missed that part of his life. So, I'm working on my love for the game. I'll admit I'm not super keen about watching nine innings on TV, but I do enjoy going to the games.  While there's definitely something exciting about going to a Rangers game (or any major league team), Justin and I both sometimes prefer to go to the Frisco Roughriders games. They just seem more low-key and laid back, not to mention it is much closer than driving to Arlington. So we decided to take Felicity to her first baseball game to see the Roughriders play. We went with the intention that we might have to leave early, as I was very wary that she would sit in a seat at age two for 3+ hours.

We had free food and drink passes, so we got there early and started with some healthy ballpark food - nachos and hot dogs.

Daddy showing Fe her first view of the field...

Felicity's favorite part by far was the mascots. She loved the dancing bears and was looking for them the whole time. She did amazingly well and lasted the entire game. I was shocked. Guess we'll be taking our little baseball fan back to the ballpark!

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