Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'm back and a rainy Wednesday

Hello there! Yes, it's me...and yes, it's been 6 months since I've blogged, but I'm back and really going to try to stay up to date on this thing this time.

Moving on - here's what we've been up to on this very cold, rainy Wednesday...

After we had some shades installed this morning, Felicity wanted a manicure, so she picked this ravishing shade of pink/red and sat relatively still while I painted them.
Love those little chubby fingers. :-) They looked really good at first and as a side note, I tried a trick I saw on Pinterest about spraying wet nails with Pam and how they would dry worked pretty well! I would say spray them and wait just a minute or two before you wipe off the Pam, but I was impressed. Wish I had known about this trick much sooner! Anyway, back to why her nails are already messed up...she started to peel off the polish when her hands got covered in glue from this extravaganza -

Felicity and I got a jump start on Valentine's Day and were busy making a huge mess having lots of fun crafting and making Valentine's cards.

Then time for lunch...

 And then time to protest nap...
But she is successfully napping right now (which is a minor miracle these days), so I must go and clean up the kitchen before Justin gets home!


  1. Love your blog! So cute! Your rainy day looks like a great one :)

  2. Thanks, Grace!! You're so sweet. Hope everything's going well with little Miss Hannah - can't wait to see her again soon!
