Monday, May 24, 2010

My new employer

Today would have been my first day back at Weber Shandwick, but as some of you know, I've decided to stay home full-time with Felicity. I've traded in writing press releases and planning events for staying home with my sweet baby girl. My job description now includes diaper duty, cleaning up enormous amounts of spit up (seriously, does any of the milk even stay down?!), working on tummy time and lots of hugs, kisses and cuddling. Allow me to introduce my new boss:

On Saturday we went up to my office to show Felicity where mom used to work and clean out my desk.


Now instead of racing to get ready and fighting traffic to get downtown to get to Webby on time, I wake up to this little angel...hopefully in the morning and not the middle of the night. :-)

I couldn't be more excited and thankful that I have the opportunity to stay home with Felicity. I am so grateful to Justin for being so supportive, willing and able to let me do this. I will be honest and tell you that I am a bit nervous about my new endeavors as a stay-at-home mom. Will I be bored? Will I have enough adult interaction? Will I still feel that I'm able to use my gifts/talents? I'm working through these questions, coming to solutions one day at a time asking God to show me how to grow into this new role. I know I am not contributing to our household income anymore, but I am committed to contributing to our family's finances in different ways now - by praying for Justin's business fervently and doing my best to save and spend wisely. All of that to say, I know that every moment I spend with her is a teachable one and I'm going to do my best to treasure each one.

"Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work our hands." Psalm 90:17


  1. I am so sad yet so excited for you at the same time! I will miss you terribly at Webby - in fact, I have refused to walk to your side of the office all week! I know you are already working wonders in your new role! Hope we can catch up soon.

  2. Congrats Asher. And just so you know, you're definitely using a major gift of yours...your amazing ability to care for people. You took care of me for like 5 years, so this newborn should be no sweat! :) love you.
