Friday, May 18, 2012

First prayer

I have so much blogging to catch up on it's ridiculous and I even did a really long post about Easter which somehow got deleted {don't get me started on that}, so I'm working on it...but in the meantime...

I just laid Felicity down for bed and she had one of those precious child moments that I wanted to make sure I don't forget. Like a lot of parents we have the same bedtime routine every night - brush teeth, read a book, say our prayers, put her in her crib and sing her a song while we rub her back. Justin and I take turns doing this and of course, we are usually the ones doing the singing, praying and reading (although there are plenty of occasions where she insists on "reading" to us and her stuffed animals). But tonight when I told her it was time to say our prayers, she folded her hands like she normally does, but then she said her own little prayer! "Thank you for Mommy, Daddy and Fe Fe and for go on vacation. Amen. Goodnight." I could not believe her little prayer - it was so simple, sweet and from her little 2 year old pure heart.

Then she pointed to her crib and said, "Get in the bed!" And that we did. :-)

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