Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happiest of birthdays, little one!

Dear Felicity,

That sweet grin of yours gets me every time. You are one year old today and mommy and daddy cannot believe it. We are celebrating this weekend, but you and I spent today playing at the Arboretum with some of your sweet friends from playgroup. It was a glorious day outside and the perfect 1st birthday outing. You had so much fun running barefoot through the grass and mommy enjoyed every minute of your smiling, waving and wobbly walking.

You have brought your daddy and me so much joy this past year. You should have seen us smiling the day they handed you to us...we haven't stopped smiling since. You and I had a bit of a rough go at the beginning with your...shall we say, aggressive nursing. :-) You would stop at nothing to get that milk you wanted! I should have known, though that your determined little personality was already shining through. You amaze me everyday. Even when it is early, nothing is sweeter than waking up to your face peeking over your crib with that big Lici-bear smile on it. You have such an adventurous, creative, sweet personality that is evident in the way you smile constantly, play pretend, leap off furniture, dance like a crazy woman (even when you're half asleep and busy eating) and cannot keep from waving at everyone you see.

I think my favorite thing about you so far is your innocence. You are pure in the truest sense of the word and are not afraid of anything; you have no reason to be. You trust completely and love every minute of life. You have taught me what it means to have a child-like faith and wonder. I look at you in amazement everyday and thank God for trusting me with your precious  life. I can promise you upfront that I will make mistakes, but I will always, always love you and will give my everything for you.

I want you to grow up knowing that you are beautiful, inside and out...but what is on the inside is what counts the most. God created a masterpiece in you and didn't make one single mistake. Every single part of you is part of His perfect design and you are incredible. I want you to come to me when times are wonderfully sweet and exciting and when you need hugs, encouragement and tears wiped. I am always here for you, no matter what.

Wow...what a gift you are. I am so proud to be your mommy and I want you to know that without a doubt, everyday, we love you and you are a gift.



  1. Happy FIRST birthday, Felicity!!! Yay! You are ONE!

  2. Your letter brought tears to my eyes! Happy Birthday Baby Fe! We had so much fun celebrating with you!

  3. Happy Birthday Felicity! We had so much fun being with you on your bday. :)

  4. You are such a wonderful mom, Asher. Having Felicity has only bettered who you are and I'm so proud of you.

  5. Aww! Such a cute post! Happy Birthday Fe! Sorry we missed out =( Hope ya'll are doing well! Lizzy
